A Light Shines
Barcelona, Spain
Ashley and I grew up on opposite sides of the same coin of cultural Christianity in Independence, MO. I grew up in the church and had to learn eventually to sort out the difference between cultural involvement and truly following Jesus; where those two things intersect and diverge. Ashley, on the other hand, grew up in unbelief, wounded by the hypocrisy of many Christians she saw around her. These experiences shaped who we are and how we have been called to minister to those wounded by the institution of the church, those who have grown up in an unquestioned secularism, or a rejection of the restrictive religion of their upbringing.
Our Strategy
In cultures increasingly skeptical of institutional religion, inviting people “to church” is often not a viable option. Through online platforms as well as our daily lives, we coach and mentor others in what it means to follow Jesus in their context. As we cultivate relationships that grow into discipleship, disciples that grow into churches fueled by the Spirit through worship & prayer, we are working to build movements of kingdom-minded Jesus followers that embody the living Bride of Christ in the world.

How To Partner With Us
Our battle is a very spiritual one. Teaching the way of Jesus in contexts distracted by comfort, wealth, and entertainment encounters great resistance. Because of this one major way you can partner with us is through prayer. Pray for:
- Boldness to love like Jesus in the face of great skepticism.
- Power in the Spirit to overcome spiritual darkness with His Light
- Favor in relationships
We also need partners dedicated joining us in financial investment. This can be done in several ways:
- Monthly giving
- Committed yearly/quarterly giving
- Single gifts to help with special projects/needs

Mission Partner
The Sending Project
Olathe, Kansas
We now serve under the auspices of The Sending Project. We are acquainted with so many global missions that we can facilitate through networking and we look forward to new connections in the future.

Anchor Church
Gathering Network
Mission, Kansas
“A network of missional communities living in the way of Jesus, our dream is to help you become fully alive in Christ, making disciples as you live on mission with friends who feel like family.”
The Gathering Network is pursuing a missional approach to the local church, empowering all members to live as missionaries at home, believing that the kingdom of God brings healing and wholeness and life to a broken world. We carry the same DNA of missional, small group communities living the life of the gospel among our neighbors.
The Gathering leadership is committed to providing a high level of missional, pastoral and relational care for us in partnership with The Sending Agency. They are investing deeply into the life and health of this mission as well as our family. We have come to know, love and trust them immensely and are incredibly grateful for their support and leadership.